Thursday, September 5, 2013

Exploring Our Centers

Making a circle with our stuffed animals and dolls is a favorite!  We are learning also what the words up, down, in, out and even motions to some of our songs are with them.  The kids love sharing what animal they brought, and the teachers LOVE seeing their faces light up when they get to bring them to the carpet.

 Home Living Center.  In the picture, this looks like a quiet center, but easily one of their favorites.  Memories are made here.  Make believe is highly encouraged.  And seeing a boy in a tutu isn't something strange!  
Art Center!  Today we were able to paint with water colors, next week we will be drawing on our easels.  Each week will be something fun and creative, another avenue for our friends to showcase their personalities and growth.

 Water and Sensory table.  This week our water table has bubbles and fish in it.  The kids are exploring the fish swimming and the effects of high to low pouring.  (you can see the blue smocks on them to help protect their clothing from getting soaked).  Our sensory table this week was filled with bird seed and funnels.  Imagine their faces when they fill a funnel and see it all pour out.  Or hear them counting how many spoonfuls it takes to fill up a cup.
Computer Center

Students are learning how to use the mouse (some are already experts) and navigating around games and videos of characters that they are already familiar with.  

Miss Shelly has also brought in her Ipad this week and allowed the students to explore

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